...Submissions much reach the Department of Planning by close of business November 1, 2010
that is 5pm Monday 1st Nov. 2010......
here is a template.....copy this and attach to your own email and send on.....if you do not know how to do this....email nomajorscreekmine@gmail.com and i will help you.
Email to:
Reference number 10 0054
i have not been able to get a definitive answer on whether the submission MUST be accompanied by a disclosure statement or not for it to be counted....in any case.....go to this link
and then print, fill out and then fax the form and your submission to : 02 9228 6466
...or complete the form on line and attach to your submission....
I object to the proposed Dargues Reef mining project for the following reasons:
1. I do not believe there will be any benefit to the local community,
2. I do not believe the proposal has the interests of the local community in mind,
3. I believe the proposal will have a negative impact on the Majors Creek community in terms of acoustic and visual privacy,
4. I believe the proposal will have a negative affect upon my neighbouring communities in Araluen, Braidwood, Bells Creek, Riedsdale and Jembaicumbene,
5. I believe the 24 hour per day operation of the mining facility is totally unacceptable,
6. I believe the 24 hour per day operation of the mining facility will reduce the value of my property, and if the mine should operate under the proposal as set forth, i should have legal grounds to claim against the shareholders, directors, managing directors and all others concerned with Big Island Mining Pty Ltd (or as we know them Cortona), the local council (Palerang), the State Government or the Federal Government,
7. I believe the proposal will have a negative affect upon the groundwater levels and aquifer of the surrounding locality, and i believe it will have a negative impact upon the communities of Majors Creek and Araluen and will have a direct negative impact upon the local businesses, individuals and families in the locality,
8. I believe the proposed tailings dam is completely unacceptable and poses a severe threat to the individuals, communities, ecosystems and natural habitats of all plants and animals that live (RL below) that of the dam, between Majors Creek and the coast.
9. I believe that the proposal will have a negative impact upon any indigenous site downstream of the proposed location,
10. I believe the increased semi trailer movements associated with the mine operations will have a severe impact upon the Majors Creek Road, the Araluen Road and the Kings Highway,
11. I believe that if Big Island Mining Pty Ltd (or as we know them Cortona) were to propose to mine in neighbouring regions and process any of this material at the Majors Creek site that they should be prevented from doing this as it will only further the negative affects upon the local community at Majors Creek,
12. I believe the increased traffic movements associated with the staff working at the mine will have a negative affect upon the communities of Majors Creek and Braidwood,
13. I believe that if the locality surrounding the mine (any residence within a 5 km radius of the subject site), has an existing ambient noise level below 30dB(A) between the hours of 7pm and 7am, that ANY increase in this level is totally unacceptable, and if the mine should operate under the proposal as set forth, i should have legal grounds to claim against the shareholders, directors, managing directors and all others concerned with Big Island Mining Pty Ltd (or as we know them Cortona), the local council (Palerang), the State Government or the Federal Government,
14. I believe that the amount of dust or airborne matter associated with works at the mine, through plant and machinery, and the increased traffic movements along internal roads will have a negative affect upon the surrounding community,
15. It is my opinion that the proposal does not comply with the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (the EPBC Act) and as such this development should require the Federal Governments approval before proceeding,
16. I believe the specific climatic circumstances (including the heavy fog patterns) have not been taken into account in the EA, and as such the assessment and its recommendations are incorrect,
17. I believe it is my right as a resident of the locality to have my opinions heard and taken into consideration when decisions about any development in the area are made by any government body.
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